I'm a watercolor artist. I sell under two seperate IDs on Ebay. One of those IDs is pretty well established and I do OK selling there most of the time. The other ID I'm just starting to list some of my art on. The pictures on this page are from that ID. Those paintings and the others I will be listing there are more what I enjoy doing than what I sell on my other ID. I also sell books and other things on that ID.
This spring I discovered that I had an underactive thyroid. I'd been feeling realy tired all the time. I'd lost interest in just about everything I'd enjoyed. I thought I was just getting old. I'd given up and was just waiting to die. I was very depressed.
With medication, I've gotten some of my energy back and the doctor assures me that I will feel much better when we get my medicine right. The other thing we are treating is depression. I suffer from panic attacks and severe anxiety.
It's been a difficult journey trying to get well. sometimes I just want to give up. Part of that is my fear that I'll never get away from here. That I'll always live where it snows in October and April. The tempratures can get down to below -20 degrees in the winter and stay there for weeks on end. I'm afraid I'll always be in a relationship that isn't good for me, and hasn't been for as long as I can remember. My husband isn't really a bad man. I just can't give him what he needs any more than he can give me what I need. It's like that song, there aint no good guy there aint no bad guy there's only you and me and we just dissagree.
Sooo... any way I'm working hard to get well and painting my heart out to save as much money as I can so I can do some traveling before I settle down in the small town where My oldest son lives. He has three children I barely know, it would be nice to get to know them.
I'd like to take route 66 to the west coast. I've never seen the ocean. I want to go to New Orleans and maybe the outer banks. There are so many places I'd like to visit. There is so much I want to do. Even if I never get to do any of it, I think I can rent a nice little place by my son and live quietly and in peace painting and enjoying my life. At least that is my dream.